Saturday, February 3, 2024

Design And Animate Motion Album Cover For Your Music


Are you looking for album cover animation or a motion album cover to promote your song/music to social media or streaming platform? The best way to present your upcoming music to social media is to animate your album cover artwork with your music playing in the background. The music visualization helps reach more potential viewers and listeners.

Whats better than an album cover? animated album cover. It helps to reach more people and helps you to promote your song.

I will create you a motion graphic album cover for your song to promote on Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, Spotify Canvas or any other social media.

High quality video will be provided for Spotify and i-tunes uploads. Proper file size and dimension will be given. 

  1. Add logo
  2. Sync Song with animation
  3. Free AFX
  4. Video footage add
  5. Social media button
  6. Instagram, Facebook, YouTube video size available and many more.
  7. Spotify Canvas
  8. Custom works available.
  9. 3D/VFX
  10. Full HD Video.
  11. 4K video also available for and extra amount. 

--Gig Video Music Used:

  Mission Start by The Brothers Records

 YT Music Library 

 under no attribution


: : : : :

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