Thursday, May 11, 2023

Add Your Music To Unique Animated Loop With Album Art Option



Please message me before ordering so we can have a chat about your project - Thanks :)

I will listen to your song/music and create a repeating looping animation to match the lyrics, or you could give me your idea for a scene and I can build the animation from your directions ( please though message me first ). I am particularly good at creating sci-fi or fantasy scenes, or scenes that are very unusual.. These are great for getting clicks via youtube, which means more listens to your music. Because my animations are created in high resoltuon 4k, Youtube will publish them in their highest VP9 Codec, this means the audio wil also be published at there highest quality. This is not the case for other resolutions, basically having a 4k video will ensure your listeners hear your music in the highest quality format. If you also require album art, for a small additional fee. I can also make a square high res 3000 x 3000 square image, perfect for distribution.

Anyhow please feel free to message me.

Many thanks

David ( I am based in the UK so work in the GMT timezone )


: : : : :

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